Quotes of Gendertheorist
Judith Halberstam
"Masculinity and femininity are social genders that are produced not simply by men and women, each
performing their appropriate social genders - men performing masculinity, woman performing femininity. But
there are always crossovers, there are always women performing masculinity and men performing femininity.
So that gender that we call masculinity has been produced by both men and women."

"It's a big question what the differences might be between male masculinity and female masculinity, and some places there are no discernable differences. For example, a transgender man, somebody who has born female but lives now in a social role as a man, may not look on the surface any different from a man. But the fact that this person has a history in a female body makes all the difference in the world. (...) There are also very, very deep differences like the fact that female masculinity is a sort of periferal gender, a minority gender and doesn't have the weight of political power and social power behind it. Thus male masculinity is what we call a dominant gender, female masculinity is a minority gender."

"Certainly what happens on a Drag King stage is a form of gender performance but it goes way beyond simply saying anyone can be anything. That's not the message behind the Drag King performance. Many of the mainstream media commentators on Drag Kings wanted to e mphasize the idea that a very pretty feminine woman could be transformed through props and costumes and a little bit of facial hair into a very convincing man. And that was basically the angle that mainstream media took on Drag King culture. There is a more interesting and subversive story to be told about Drag King culture that has to do with reinventing to some extent and rescripting, to some extent, gender norms. That's what I think Drag King culture is really good at, and good for."

Quotes by gendertheorist Judith Halberstam, in talk with director Gabriel Baur, for the film "Venus Boyz".